Our Approach

Research Competitions

ATAI and DAISI run distinct research competitions to generate microeconomic research that addresses and improves farmers’ welfare. We believe that competitive, peer-reviewed funding rounds are an important tool to stimulate knowledge development and evidence on key questions to address poverty. 


Our proposal review process, refined over more than a dozen funding rounds, has been designed to ensure that all funded studies are methodologically sound and will be capable of identifying the causal impact of an intervention. A two-level review process is used to assess the quality and appropriateness of randomized evaluations and pilot proposals.The first level of anonymized review is carried out by a panel of peer researchers from our network— anyJ-PAL, CEGA, and/or active invited researchers to any J-PAL initiative or J-PAL regional office. The second level of review is carried out by ATAI and DAISI Board Members who are ultimately responsible for funding decisions.


Competitions are open to J-PAL and CEGA affiliated professors and all active invited researchers to any J-PAL initiative or J-PAL regional office. Applicants must have at least one eligible network-affiliated researcher among your research team, who commits to remaining involved in the research over its lifespan. Graduate students advised by eligible affiliated researchers can apply for funding if their eligible affiliated adviser commits to overseeing the research. However, please note that J-PAL may limit the total amount of funding a single graduate student can receive across J-PAL initiatives for their student work.


Latest Request for Proposal

ATAI’s competitions are currently closed.